Supreme Lime has sat in the midst of Otorohanga’s rich lime deposit for the past 50 years.

With an average CaC03 value of well over 90% across its 60ha of land, Supreme Lime continues to offers a level of unrivalled quality under the care of leading New Zealand lime specialist operator, Palmer Resources. Palmer Resources has five divisions spread throughout New Zealand, supplying a wide range of lime-based products, and services to the agricultural, industrial, and chemical sectors both domestically and worldwide. Under the Supreme Lime banner, the quarry produces aggregate, face rock, track rock, and a range of limestone chip products for landscaping, drainage, road race fines and decorative chip. We are also able to offer the full range of lime flour products for optimum herd health.


Our extensive storage facilities ensures that PRODUCT is always on hand


Aglime is a crucial component of any farm's fertiliser programme – but not all aglime is created equal. It's important to consider differences between suppliers to ensure you achieve the best results. At Supreme Lime, we are committed to providing high-quality lime, supported by transparent and independent testing.

Find out why to use aglime


For over 50 years, Supreme Lime has been producing high-quality aggregates for dairy tracks, feed pads, and trough bases.

We also offer a variety of chip ideal for landscaping, paths, and driveways, as well as low-permeability clay for holding ponds.


Located in the heart of Waikato, we are perfectly positioned to supply a range of Ultra Fine Lime (UFL) products to support our hardworking dairy sector. Healthy Cow is a 100% natural supplement designed to reduce the risk of downer cows by boosting calcium and magnesium levels and enhancing their absorption in lactating dairy cows.

Find out more about Healthy Cow

Contact Us

For more information on our range of products please do not hesitate to contact us directly and one of our team will be in touch.

tel: 0800 303 980
visit: 379 Mangarino Rd, Hangitaki 3986

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